Guidelines for abstract submission for OSOS Conference,2023

The Scientific Committee has developed a checklist for abstract preparation with the objective of assisting prospective programme participants in preparing the best possible abstract for submission. All abstracts are considered equally for acceptance and the quality of the abstract is the single most important factor in the committee’s decision. Please follow the checklist to assist you.

Checklist For Abstract Content

1. Is the title descriptive of the abstract? Does the title avoid gratuitous statements and irrelevant information?
2. Studies barely under way or in which the outcome may be inconclusive should not be submitted.
3. Scientific abstracts will be evaluated without the knowledge of the name or affiliation of the author. Thus, identifying phrases within the title and abstract itself are not allowed and will result in automatic disqualification of the abstract without evaluation.
4. Does the abstract contain a concise statement which can be evaluated by an impartial observer, covering the following:
Why did you do the study?
What did you do?
What did you find?
What does it mean?
5.Abstracts with statements such as, will be done, is underway, will be analysed will be discussed or No data / Insufficient data – to prove the results, wrong methodology and data acquisition, period of study not given, not enough subjects to draw the conclusion cannot be accepted.
6 Proof read your abstract? Conciseness, clarity, and care in the preparation of your abstract are important considerations in the Scientific Committee’s deliberations. Misspellings and typographical errors do a disservice to your scientific work. If accepted, your abstract will appear exactly as typed.
7. Is your abstract within the character limit?
Before you Submit any Abstract for FP / Video / Physical Poster :
• Be Sure that you and all your Co Authors are members of OSOS
• Changing the Authorship is not permitted.
• Be Sure that at least the Presenting Author will be attending the Conference- since changing the Authorship / Non Attendance by the Presenting Author jeopardises the entire session / Program , Deprive others from presentation,)

Guidelines For Free Papers

Free papers will be accepted in any of the following Specialties
1. Cataract (Dr Subal Kishor Kar Award)
2. Community / Social Ophthalmology (Dr S.C. Das Award)
3. Cornea (Dr I.M. Sahoo Award)
4. Vitreo-Retina (Dr B.N.R. Subudhi Award)
5. Glaucoma (Dr B.S. Mishra Award)
6. PG PAPER section (Dr R.C. Meher Award)
7. Others
         a. Neuro Ophthalmology
         b. Ocular Pathology, Ocular Oncology and Tumors
         c. Optics / Refraction / Contact Lens
         d. Orbit & Oculoplasty
         e. Paediatric Ophthalmology & Strabismus
         f. Trauma
         g. Uvea
         h. Miscellaneous
There is one award for best of best paper (Dr K.C. Mohanty Award)

General Guidelines

1. Each member can submit a total of 3 abstracts (as presenting author), of which 2 can be of the same / similar specialty.
2. Abstracts are to be submitted online only. No abstracts shall be accepted as an email, Fax, Hard copies etc.
3. All abstracts undergo an evaluation process.
4. Based on the evaluation, a member can present a MAXIMUM OF 2 FREE PAPERS.
5. The presenting author & the co-authors SHOULD be members of OSOS. Each Author must have contributed to the scientific part of Free paper being submitted.
6. Ophthalmic authors who are non-members of OSOS should become a member of OSOS to be a presenting author / co-author of the free paper. Visit to become a member.
7. Non-ophthalmic co-authors can be included (if relevant) & they can be non–members.
8. To include non-ophthalmic authors, who are non-members of OSOS, please write to with copy marked to details of the course, name of the author, his/her complete address, valid email id and mobile number )
9. All free paper awards are given to the presenting author only.
10. The presenting author and the co-authors MUST ALL BE MEMBER OF OSOS to contest for an award.
11. Eligibility for OSOS Award – The submitted paper should not have been published in indexed journal/submitted for publication in indexed journal. Papers presented in other conferences can be submitted and shall be eligible for OSOS Award. If any ambiguity found anytime: This would amount to plagiarism and the presenter and all the co-authors will be debarred for submitting to OSOS for next 3 years.
12. Free Paper duration is 6 minutes only.
13. No change in presenting author is allowed during Free paper final session.
14. Institution / hospital affiliation and doctor’s name in the title or abstract should not be mentioned and will lead to automatic rejection.

Withdrawal / Change of instructors

It is advised that author(s) should attempt to avoid withdrawal from a paper. If for any unavoidable reason, the presenting author can withdraw from his topic on the following condition(s) :-
a. No new author can be added after the submission of Free paper.
b. Change in the sequence of speakers may be considered upto 15th October. This shall get reflected in the printed copy of the abstract book.
c. Any change in the sequence from 15th OCT. to 15th NOV. shall be reflected in the soft copy (PDF Version) of the abstract book available on the OSOS website.
d. No change in the sequence shall be accepted after 15 NOV. e. As per the decision of the General body of OSOS 2023, absence from the session without the prior information (at least 15 days before the conference) shall lead to debarring as a speaker in the subsequent annual conference.

How many authors a Free Paper can have?

1. A free paper can have one presenting author and up to 3 co-authors. (4 authors in total)
2. One of the above 4 authors can be the presenting author of the free paper.
3. All 4 authors should be a member of OSOS.


1. The best paper of each session will be recognised by the OSOS Scientific Committee and a “Best Paper of Session (BPOS)” certificate with earlier mentioned award for each session shall be issued.
2. A colour photograph of the presenting author of the best paper shall be sent to the scientific committee ( for inclusion in the OSOS website

Abstract Structure

Type the details in MS word file exactly as you would want to be printed in the abstract book programme
Abstract Title
The title of the course SHOULD NOT exceed 100 characters (including spaces).
The Synopsis SHOULD NOT exceed 1000 characters (including spaces).
Add Presenting Author
Atleast one presenting author should be added. The chief author himself / herself can be a presenting author. It is the duty of the chief author to get consent from the presenting author before adding his/her name. The presenting author along with all co-authors should be a member of OSOS
Add co-authors
A maximum of three co-authors can be added. If there are no co-authors, add the chief / presenting author itself as a co-author. All co-authors should be a member of OSOS.

Free Paper Full Text

1. If accepted as a paper for the conference, the full text of the presentation must be uploaded either by logging into the chief author’s/presenting author’s dashboard or by using the link provided in the selection mail before the stipulated deadline as mentioned in the acceptance letter.
2. The guideline to submit the full text is available on OSOS web site Ensure that the file size is less than 5 MB. Files, which are greater than 5 MB, shall be automatically rejected.
3. The full text carries marks which shall be considered for selection of papers for awards. The free paper so received will considered for publication in ODJO AFTER PEER REVIEW AND COPY RIGHT FORM SUBMISSION BY THE AUTHORS.

Sessions for the selected free papers at the conference

The preliminary round for all specialties will be held on Day 1 of the Conference. This will be followed by the best of the best paper session.

Best papers to OJO first

All the SELECTED BEST PAPERS from each session should be submitted to ODJO[] first for possible publication. The authors cannot submit the selected BEST PAPERS to any other journal unless it has been rejected by ODJO after the peer review process. The final decision about the article by the “Editor – OJO” will be taken within 6 months after the submission. If the authors have already submitted it elsewhere for consideration for publication, they must declare the same. Such paper(s) can be presented but will not be considered for “Best paper of the session award.”


1. The Scientific Committee shall issue a certificate of presentation to all the authors of the free paper which was read at the conference.
2. This certificate will be in the form of a tamper proof digitally signed PDF file which can be downloaded by logging in OSOS website.
3. Certificates will be available on the website after 15 days from the date of the conference.

Declaration to be provided

The following points has to be declared while submitted the abstract
1. Whether the research has been carried out in Odisha.
2. Has this submission been presented in any other conference earlier.
3. Would this submission be presented in any other conferences prior to the upcoming annual conference of OSOS.
4. Has this submission won any National / International Award earlier.
5. Was this submission published or submitted for publication in any peer reviewed journal.
6. Does this paper pertain to Laboratory research (Translational research).

Important Note

1. The submitted paper should NOT have been published in indexed journal OR submitted for publication in indexed journal. Papers presented in other conferences can be submitted and shall be eligible for OSOS Award.
2. If ambiguity found anytime, this would amount to plagiarism and the presenter and all the co- authors will be debarred from submitting for OSOS for next 1 year.
3. Your session during the conference, along with your presentation shall be video-taped for inclusion in the proceedings of the conference.
4. Change of speaker in any of the session should be intimated to the scientific committee at least 15 DAYS prior to the conference. Any speaker delivering a topic whose name is not in the scientific program of the session shall be debarred from participating in the next annual conference.