Best Ophthalmic Photography Award
Guidelines For Ophthalmic photography

1. Resolution Should be minimum 300DPI
2. Max size 5mb
3. No border
4. Should not be edited by software like Adobe
5. Image J editing is accepted
6. Should not have identifying details of the patient
7. Consent should be taken from the patient
8. Avoid using coloured blocks to hide the patient's face
9. There should be no watermark or identifier regarding the doctor or the hospital
10. ⁠Single and composite ( montage ) both are acceptable
11. Please give a suitable caption ( less than 100 words ) of the image
12. All types of Ophthalmic photos like Clinical settings, External photography, FFA, ICGA, Autofluorescence images, Fundus photo graphs, wide angle photography, Monochromatic images, OCT, OCTA, Slit Lamp Photography, Eye as an art etc. are acceptable
13. Images should be copyright free to be used by OSOS. Submitted images may be printed and displayed at the annual conference or Website or published in OSOS communications with due acknowledgment.

Note- * Marked fields are mandatory
OSOS Membership Number of Presenting Author :*
Name of Presenting Author :*
E_Mail Id of Presenting Author :*
Title of Photo : *
Upload Photo File (In .jpg,.jpeg,.png,.tiff) :*